In the village called Pateri, the road condition was very bad. People of that village were finding very difficult to move around especially in rainy days. Vehicles used to get struck due to craters on the road. Several petitions were filed by the villagers to the local Pradhans, however, no perceptible results were seen. But the children and AGs didn’t relent.
Viewing the condition of the road the CP and AG group leaders filled a petition letter to the local Pradhan requesting to repair the road in the month of September 2023. After several applications, lately, the Pradhan kept the request of the application and within 3 months, the repair of the road was done in the month of December, which was a good achievement by the CP and AG of that village. Currently, the villagers are able to move smoothly through that road.
"Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you."( Matthew 5:42 )
"Mercy to the needy is a loan to God and God pays back those loans in full."( Proverbs 19:17 )